Warner Marine is releasing EcoBAK pellets this week throwing their hat into the solid vodka dosing pellet market. A main difference you’ll notice between the EcoBAK pellets and other products on the market it the small, rough shape over smooth spheres giving a more porous pellet with more surface area for the beneficial bacterial to grasp onto and thrive.

When chatting with Warner Marine about the product, they indicated the polymer used in the product is not Polycaprolactone (PCL) that has been in use in other products like Instant Ocean’s Natural Nitrate Reducer but another form of biodegradable polymer that shares the same characteristics and completely different than the polymer used in NP Biopellets. EcoBAK is filler free, so all you are getting is a nitrate and phosphate reducing polymer that is consumed by the bacteria. This is the important difference between EcoBAK and vodka dosing, the carbon source never enters the water stream. Ideally the EcoBAK works well in a media reactor and can replace your GFO but could also be used passively in a mesh bag in an area of flow in case you’re running out of space or saving up for a reactor. It’s not necessary to fully fluidize the media as the product doesn’t slime over, so you don’t need a high flow rate for it to be effective. Warner Marine told us a flow of around 100 GPH through one liter of pellets would be a good starting point.