IntellaStrip Technology: Our new PC4 is the most advanced power distribution unit in the industry with the ability to keep your system up and running even if you have a device failure.
Manual Override Mode: Gives you the power to control all four outlets individually at the PC4 without having to navigate a complicated menu.
Breaker/Switch: The 15 Amp breaker/switch eliminates the inconvenience of finding fuses and gives you the ability to quickly shut down power if needed.
LED Status Indicators: Each channel has it’s own LED status indicator for convenient feed back on its current status. There is also an indicator that will inform you of the PC4s overall state.
Mounting/Installation: Strong convenient mounting tabs make installation a breeze!
Upgradeability: The PC4 also has upgradeable firmware so you can take advantage of our developing feature set; and firmware updates are always free!